Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight Lucrative Referrals – YouTube

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight P4 Q&A1 Lucrative Referrals – YouTube.  Genie Fuller is a guest on The Business Spotlight hosted by Patrick Dougher.

Patrick:  Genie, thank you so much. I want to get into how people can connect to you. Where do you want them to go?
Genie:  I would love for them to come to my new website where I’m giving away a free e-book. The title of the e-book is “How to Sidestep the 7 Costly Networking Mistakes and Attract Lucrative Prospects.” That website is
Patrick:  Very good. It’s on the screen, so they can read it there. They’ve got your phone number. Your phone number is the 713 number?
Genie:  (713)702-6331.
Patrick:  They’re going to get the e-book. That will get them started. That will also give you the opportunity to touch base with them afterwards. It’s a great book. When I looked at that I sit there and all I could see was “lucrative.”
Genie:  That’s a good word.
Patrick:  Lucrative referrals — I’ll connect those two in my mind. It’s just about lucrative referrals. But it is, isn’t it?
Genie:  Yes. It’s establishing influence in order to increase affluence.
Patrick:  I’ve heard that before. I don’t know where.
Genie:  I think we talked about that before.
Patrick:  We did talk about that before. But it is. You increase influence. You’ll increase affluence. It’s a byproduct, isn’t it?

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight Referral systems – YouTube

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight P4 Q&A2 Refrral systems – YouTube.  Genie Fuller is guest on The Business Spotlight hosted by Patrick Dougher.


Patrick:  We did talk about that before. But it is. You increase influence. You’ll increase affluence. It’s a byproduct, isn’t it?
Genie:  It is.
Patrick:  When people begin to get engaged with you, what are the pieces to that puzzle that you want to make sure that they get? They get your training, they get the book. What else do you want to give them?
Genie:  I didn’t mention that I wrote a book several years ago and it’s called “Winning the Referral Game.” Recently when I ran out of books, I reread it thinking I would have to rewrite it to have it printed again and I liked it so much.
Patrick:  It was still good.
Genie:  I think that’s amazing when it’s been a few years. “Winning the Referral Game” I have available. I’m putting little video modules that people can sign up for and have a subscription so they can use maybe one a week — 37 minutes a week — and do a little lesson and go along. If they order the e-book, then we’ll lead them to the video. I am also putting videos for a branch manager in a company to train new people so that they’ve got a short, little video and materials of what to talk about before the video, worksheets and all of that.

Contact Genie Fuller at 713-702-6331


Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight Training that Sticks – YouTube

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight P4 Q&A3 Imarting traing – YouTube.  Genie Fuller is a guest on The Business Spotlight TV show hosted by Patrick Dougher.

Patrick:  The one key that you’re doing that is so important, Genie, is that you’re imparting the information. You’re not just dispensing information.
Genie:  My distinction over the years has probably been my biggest goal was to help them get it emotionally, because if they’ve got it — and I don’t know how better to say that — then they implement. If they just understand it, it goes right through.
I had one branch manager who want me to do a 20-minute sales meeting and that was it. I said, “If the goal is to change behavior, forget it.” I think I can do a pretty good job but I can’t do that.
Patrick:  But isn’t that like somebody given one vitamin. “Here’s one a day, but you’re going to take one. Period.”
Genie:  One what for something.
Patrick:  Hello. It’s got to be something that is line upon line. You’re instilling this stuff in the people. What’s cool is that you’re doing it to the leaders first.
Genie:  Yes. The other thing that I am just rolling out is I want to help all the network groups that are out there and they’re trying so hard. So I’m preparing video lessons for the leaders in how to run the network group and what makes it successful, and then a series teaching six different skill sets to the members. They can buy the package and get their network group off and maybe they can give me a little challenge on this 230 million in sales.

Call Genie Fuller at 713-702-6331

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight Endless Referrals – YouTube

Genie Fuller on The Business Spotlight P4 Q&A4 endless referrals – YouTube.  Genie Fuller Has a system for creating lucrative referrals that she talks about here on The Business Spotlight TV.  Host Patrick Dougher asks her how her system is set up and how it works.

Genie Fuller, after a successful career as a Certified Financial Planner, launched CEO Network Partners to give professional business services a productive networking venue. Under her direction, members of CEO Network Partners’ Houston and Dallas groups have collectively generated more than $230,000,000 in business over the last 24 years.

To assure networking success, Genie developed a methodology for professionals to acquire profitable new business through referrals. She has trained professionals in a number of investment firms, financial planning boutiques, banks, law firms and accounting firms. Her Winning Referrals training teaches a low-key, productive process to acquire lucrative prospects through referrals.


Patrick:  I think that would be awesome. I know that when I look at what you’ve created in Dallas and Houston, and then nationwide, is a really a great piece of training. If you’re not strategic, which you started off with, we picked who we wanted to target.
Genie:  Absolutely.
Patrick:  Then you tend to troll,  is what it’s called. Right?
Genie:  Right.
Patrick:  Let me just review. The four principles again?
Genie:  Rule of 250, rule of specific targeting, rule of equal exchange, and the rule of emotional impact.
Patrick:  And they can get your e-book at?
Genie: We’ll teach them how to sidestep those networking mistakes.
Patrick:  And really turn on the faucet.
Genie:  One other little thing is for networking is just a sequence. I think they have to establish intrigue rather than explain what they do. Once the person is intrigued and says, “Tell me more,” then they intensify their value. Now they’re getting more into the explanation, hopefully a story, and then finally the person ends up inspired to meet with them.
Patrick:  That is awesome. I will tell you, that is a great tool, Genie. I know that anybody watching this is going to gain a great deal of real understanding on how to create an endless supply of referrals. The Business Spotlight is really about giving business owners the opportunity to tell their story, to let their audience — their prospects — see who they are to know what they can do for them.
Genie, thank you again.
Genie:  Thank you.
call her at 713-702-6331

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A Building a Great team – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A Building a Great team – YouTube.
Patrick:  The businesses that you’re doing right now. Briefly tell me what they basically do.
Bob:  I have some audiology clinics in Texas. We send teams out to long term care facilities and we help people hear better. That’s basically now a business that is absentee ownership. I drop by and say hi and visit the people every couple of months.
Patrick:  You don’t mind cashing the checks though.
Bob:  No, I don’t mind that.
Patrick:  I know it’s a very successful business and you’re kind of downplaying. You’ve built a really cool thing.
Bob:  I have really built and gathered a great team. The people are great and that’s why it runs so well by itself. It’s a team of people who care about what they’re doing. They care about helping other people. They care about serving people. I can just let it go because they care so much about being effective and being good.
I eventually found someone who was great at administration and who was great at running the company for me. You’ve interviewed him. You know Odell. That’s what freed me up to go on to my next shiny object.
1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 610
Irving, TX  75038

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A Bobs Story – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A Bobs Story – YouTube.
Patrick:  I want to get into your story because you’ve been very successful in business. Then you became an author and now you’ve created a system to help others create massive success. How did you create this?
Bob:  I’ve always been an entrepreneur since I was a teenager. I guess I learned through failure. You learn through the school of hard knocks, and I’ve gone through all of the mistakes that you read about by people like Michael Gerber in “The E-Myth.” I’ve created businesses where the whole business was created around me and if I tried to go to lunch, I would get calls during lunch because it couldn’t operate with me gone.
Now I see people who are doing that with their business and it makes me feel for them. People start their businesses because they want freedom, at least in my case. I’m the creative type of person. I’m the guy who sees the shiny objects. I had a friend give me a card one time that said, “Stay focused. Let the shiny objects float on by.”
I see opportunities all the time. We have a potluck after church and one day I was sitting around a table with several guys. We were talking about business and I came up with a new business idea. My wife happened to be walking by and one of the guys said, “Hey, Jan. Bob just came up with a new idea for a business.” She just kind of rolled her eyes and kept walking and said, “Not another one.”
I had to learn the hard way what it takes, after you have that creative idea and after you create a business that really works, to get out of it. How to build a team that can make the business run smoothly like a watch so that you can look for your next idea and you can move on and do something else. What’s exciting to me are opportunities, seeing opportunities, creating something that answers a need in the marketplace. But once I’ve done it, once I’ve created it, I hate the administrative part.
I discovered, like a Realtor might say, that each of us has what I call our highest and best use. It’s important for people to find out what they’re passionate about and what they’re good at. If you’re listening to this — whether you’re in a job or whether you’re in your own business — and if you drag in to work every day not wanting to be there and reluctantly, you’re probably not in your highest and best use.
I tell people that your highest and best use is when you’re doing the thing that you would almost do for free. You would get up in the morning and want to go there whether you’re getting paid for it or not. I love to see people when they find that sweet spot that they’re excited about because then they’re so much more productive. Then they can help other people.
I’m 58 now and as I get, I’ll call it more mature, it’s more and more important to me to be doing something with my life that’s making an impact someplace. I want to leave a legacy behind. I feel like a lot of people do also. I’m long past the days where I just want to create a business and make a lot of money. No, I want to do something that has a positive effect, a positive impact on the world.
You can only do that when you’re doing something that you’re having fun with, that you’re enjoying. What I’ve discovered is what I really enjoy now is I love finding the sweet spot for other people. I love helping other people find what they’re best and highest use is, what they’re good at, what they’re an expert about, what their passion is, and then helping them create an impact in the world.
1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 610
Irving, TX  75038

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The Introduction to Book – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The Introduction to Book – YouTube.
Patrick:  I want to get into, really, what you’re doing to create the success you’re having. I know that it probably starts with setting this up and then the companies that you’ve built beyond your book, “More Power.” I encourage you guys to get a copy. They can get it at your website
Bob:  You can get it there or Amazon.
Patrick:  Amazon is a good place. Roughly a billion people use it — big shop. Tell me more. I want to know your story.
Bob:  Funny thing, I get a lot of my ideas in the shower. I don’t know why. I guess maybe I turn off my mind for a few minutes. But one day I was thinking about all the things I’ve learned in the past 40 years of being in business and creating business. I thought about all of the struggles that I went through unnecessarily.
So many people — sometimes they’re sales people and sometimes they’re technicians, but they get this idea, “Hey. I’m going to start a business. This is a great idea.” I’m sorry, but sometimes they have no idea what they’re getting into. You can be a number one sales person or you can be a great technician, but running a business is a whole new learning curve. It’s totally different.
So they start a business and they discover that this is not what they expected. There are so many things they didn’t know. So I decided at this point in time, when I had my brilliant idea in the shower, “Hey, I should put together a list of steps that it takes to create a successful business.”
That’s when I came up with the idea of writing “More Power.” It’s kind of a mentorship in a book taking you step by step with the basics. This is what you need to do not only to create a business but to make it successful and to carry it through to where it becomes a legacy for you and your children or whatever you want to do with it.
Patrick:  And repeatable. That’s the other part about it. You’ve repeated this process and now you’re mentoring others around the country and around the world to create that.
1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 610
Irving, TX  75038

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The power of a Book – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The power of a Book – YouTube.
What does your book really mean for you as a speaker and a mentor and a leader and a business owner?
Bob:   What I discovered in the process of writing it and getting it published is that a book is not an end in itself. So many people think that, “Oh, I’m going to write this book and it’ll go up in the bookstores and people will buy it and I can just sit back and watch things happen.” Writing a book and then getting the book published is really the easy part.
The good thing is once you’ve become an author, once you’ve taken your specialized knowledge and put it into a book for other people, then it becomes a tool that you can use not only to assist other people in what the message of your book is, but it becomes a tool to let people see that you are an expert. It’s a demonstration of who you are and what you know. It opens so many doors.
Since I’ve published the book I’ve discovered that people like to hear people speak who are authors. I’m a Rotarian. I love rotary but I’ve ended up not only going to my own rotary club, I go up speaking to other ones. I usually speak on how to become a published author and I give people, in as much time as I have, some ideas and tips on how to get a book out of you.
I really enjoy helping people with that. I would say that maybe two out of three people feel like, or have the thought, or have someone tell them, “You ought to write a book,” but people don’t know where to start. I like to help people gather their thoughts. I like to help them discover if it would even be worthwhile for them to write that book, if what they’re thinking about writing is the right one for them, and then when they find what they really would love writing, giving them some steps and some suggestions and coaching them into getting themselves to the place where it turns into something that they can use to spread their message.
There are all kinds of different books: nonfiction, children’s books, fiction. Whatever the type, I like to help people who have a book that will make some form of a positive impact on the world. Typically that ends up being something in the self-help field or entrepreneurship, helping other entrepreneurs, or something that will help people.
We have an author that we’ve published a couple of books for who is the mother of one of the youngest firefighters who died in 9/11. She had written two children’s books — one called, “My Son Christopher” and another called, “The Day the Towers Fell” — and she basically took what was in her heart.
She had the desire to teach people how to tell their children about 9/11 and how to give them a positive message that this was, yes, an act of hate, but how you can turn it around and how you need to learn to love and share. It’s so rewarding to help people with a message like that get their message out to the world.
1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 610
Irving, TX  75038

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A How a Raise in Influence can Raise Afflulence – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A How a Raise in Influence can Raise Afflulence – YouTube.
Bob:  And it opens new doors. I have a second book I’m working on now that I’ve been asked to co-author with an author who sold 22 million of one of his books. He liked what I had to say. He read my book and liked it and endorsed it and he said, “You know, I’d like to co-write something with you.”  I would have never gotten that opportunity if I hadn’t written one already.
Patrick:  What is that going to mean for you when that book comes out?  What doors do you think that will open for you?
Bob:  Obviously it makes me feel good, and we all want to feel good about ourselves. But it also just adds another level of credibility. People will be able to say, “Wow, he co-authored a book with this person who is so well-known. He must know what he’s talking about.”
Patrick:  Well even beyond that, his circle of influence becomes your circle of influence. And if he has co-authored a book with 22 million copies sold, your authority in the marketplace just shot up.
Bob:  There’s a story I heard once and I don’t know if it’s about Rockefeller or one of the rich people of the past. A young man came up to him and said, “Would you lend me money?” He was a wise person. He said, “Well, no I won’t do that, but I’ll tell you what I will do.”
They were at the New York Stock Exchange and he said, “Take my arm and walk with me across the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and we’ll talk to each other and turn around and come back. By the time we get back to the other side, people will have seen you talking with me and you can borrow or get all the investors you need.”
Patrick:  That’s influence and that’s what we’re really talking about, folks. Bob has a system to create massive influence and I’m convinced that if you raise someone’s influence, their affluence has to rise as well.
We’ll be right back. This is Pat Dougher. Thanks again.

Through over 40 years of success and struggles in business, Bob has accumulated wisdom and earned the title Serial Social Entrepreneur. Because he believes that we can often learn as much from failure as from victory, he encourages others to be willing to take risks in pursuit of their dream. However, he adamantly insists that core values, friends and family should never be scarified on the altar of success.

In 2011, Bob founded BestSelling Experts with  a mission of amplifying other social entrepreneur’s messages thereby making the world a better place.

Bob is passionate about Vision, Innovation and Creativity.  He loves inspired ideas and original systems to turn them into reality.

As a former Rotary Club president, Bob applies the 4 Way Test  in all of his business endeavors:

1) Is it the truth?
2) Is it fair to all concerned?
3) Will it build good will and better friendships?
4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 610
Irving, TX  75038

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The Authority of Writing a Book – YouTube

Bob Bare on The Business Spotlight Q&A The Authority of Writing a Book – YouTube.
Patrick:  I want to get into who you serve. It’s somebody that has a vision, has a message, has something to say, and wants to create a legacy. But there’s more to the book publishing in there than just get it written and get some publisher to buy it.
Bob:  There’s a lot more. To me, the power of becoming an author and the power of writing a book is in expressing your expertise, expressing your authority, expressing that you have a message. Just the fact that you’ve put your story together in a coherent package and you’ve gone through the difficult steps, oftentimes the learning curve of how to start with an idea in your mind and put it together in book form and then get it actually published — that’s a big accomplishment.
People respect that accomplishment. The fact of having authored a book is a statement. It says that you are a person of substance, that you have determination, that you have the willingness to put this message out there. And even when people don’t read your book, just the fact that you have a book or just the fact that you can give someone a book carries a powerful message and it gives so much credibility.
There are a lot of fields and a lot of people who talk about the expert industry and the expert field. That’s important, but I like the word “authority.” I feel like experts are people who have enough knowledge that they help educate other people in that field. Experts educate. What better way to educate than writing a book about it, especially a book where you’ve completed the whole book?
I know there are opportunities to get a chapter in a book and I’m in a couple of those, too, and that’s okay. But it really is powerful to have your own book with your own message. Once you have that book, that’s just the gate that opens all kinds of opportunities. Then you can go from there and use your book as an introduction to the marketplace.
Typically people who become an author have a book published, if they want to and if they have someone strategize with them, they can then use that book to open up the door to a speaking career if that’s what they want, open up a door to coaching or counseling if that’s what they want. Or maybe they have a brick and mortar business and they want more people to come to it.
Imagine someone in the medical profession, for example someone who does hormone replacement therapy. If they write a book specific about their field and someone calls their office to inquire about their knowledge or their expertise or if someone comes in to ask, rather than sending them a brochure or an advertisement, if that person had their own book that they wrote about hormone therapy, they could give them their book. They’re the author of that. In people’s eyes, whether they read it or not (hopefully they will read it), they think, “This person knows what he’s talking about. He’s written a book about it.”
Patrick:  That’s the thing that’s so important. Just the ether of someone holding your book going, “Wow, Bob must have a clue.”
Bob:  “I should listen to what he says this.”
Patrick:  As crazy as that sounds, people think like that all the time. How powerful it is when you have the book and it’s in your arsenal. You’ve got that mantle of authority that when you walk into a room, you’re not having to prove that you’re an authority. You are an authority.