The Electric Light Of Twitter-Part 1

Start a tweet circle. What’s a tweet circle you ask? This is when you take 3 to 5 followers, and get to know them well. Start RT’ing [RT is for retweet in Twitter language] them on a regular basis.

If you are into Twitter as the new web 2.0 thing, or for making any kind of money online, or for other types of internet marketing, than here is something that worked for me…

Start a tweet circle. What’s a tweet circle you ask? This is when you take 3 to 5 followers, and get to know them well. Start RT’ing [RT is for retweet in Twitter language] them on a regular basis. Compliment them on their content regularly and then ask them to RT your content. This intern will make your tweets viral as each person has their own different list of followers. Thus, your tweet is broadcasted to a larger audience. Know that the shelf life of your tweet isn’t very long, so this can become a very powerful tool to make money online.

If your a grass green newbie, you shouldn’t advertise your front end opportunity all the time like you see some of these people out there. You should rarely tweet about your op and instead lead them to your blog or some other page where you will get that chance. But, when you do tweet about your op, run 5-6 tweets of content, and then in a subtle manor, tweet your op LAST. Why last? Because when someone checks your profile, that is the tweet that will be posted largely at the top of your profile page. Believe me, it will stick out and is the first thing seen.

Twitter is on to network marketing. Having been slapped myself, I can tell you that they are cracking down on Internet marketing and making money online off of their site. Just because you see someone else do it doesn’t make it right. Don’t worry, they will get slapped too. So be cool, be social, have fun with your tweets. Instead of tweeting, “Make A Trillion Dollars Online.”, Say something like, “Don’t Miss Your Child’s First Steps While Your At Work, Learn How…” in a subtle manor. That should keep you under the radar. And besides it’s more palatable.

For further information and to become a member of Thomas’ elite group of marketers, please email at, or call directly at 440-458-8631 in the United States.

Additional information is available @

First Half of Piolot

This is the First half of the Pilot Learning From Leaders. Each week I will bring on great leaders to speak about best practices in business. I want readers of this blog to have real tools to help them build their business. I will give ideas to help you market your business. Enjoy…

Here is the second half of the Pilot of Learning from Leaders TV Talk show that I host. This show will air Tuesday nights at 9pm on but I will be adding it to this Blog each week. My guests in the next few weeks are amazing. Email me at if you know someone that should be on my show. This show tells what my guests actually get for being on the TV with me. I think you will agree they receive a great marketing tool to tell their story 24 x 7 around the world.exee
I was asked to be a guest on a TV show pilot of Masters of Health & Wealth with Dr. Len Schwartz. Here’s my interview…enjoy!